
August is a word that can mean a lot of things. Often, this adjective describes someone dignified and majestic. But for the Elementary Department of Jubilee Christian Academy, our experiences this month of August can be described as “inspiring awe” of the students’ resilience, parents’ flexibility, and teachers’ patience and creativity.

It was not easy to start this school year with three modalities for teaching and learning. It was not easy to deal with energetic onsiters who are ever excited to see their classmates and explore the halls of the Doña Hemady campus.

The onliners are also adjusting just as much. This is most especially true for those in the HyFlex sections. It is indeed a new experience for them to be interacting with the onsiters.




However, it is such a joy to see the students walking the corridors again. It is nice to hear them talk with each other inside the classroom or even over the internet. One can never get tired of hearing the eagerness in their voices as they narrate their experiences over the past two years. They are also enthusiastic to share what they hope to learn and achieve in the next ten months.

JCA’s parents also did a lot of adjustments to their daily schedules and routines as their children went back to school. They did their best to help their children with whatever is needed for them to have a good start.

The teachers also showed their willingness to match the energy of their students. They showed their creativity and flexibility in this new normal. They were very patient in teaching the students how to observe the minimum health protocols while ensuring that they enjoy being in school once again.

Today marks the end of the first month of S.Y. 2022-2023. And as a new day dawns tomorrow, by God’s grace and guidance, more exciting activities and learning experiences await the JCA community.

