Typhoon Maring Relief Collection

JCA community gathered together as volunteers to help in re-packing of donations for the victims of typhoon Maring on August 24, 2013.

Maring 1

Students, Parents, Alumni, and Faculty & Staff gathered at the DH campus quadrangle to pack relief goods.


Maring 2Students, parents, faculty and staff volunteers scooped rice for donation.Maring 3

Ms. Irene Lim, the Jubilee Christian Academy Parent Auxiliary President (in light blue shirt on the right), spearheaded the packing of donations.

Maring 4

Frances Lao, an Elementary student, helped pick up empty boxes.

Maring 5

Junior High School volunteers sorted out clothes for packing.

Maring 6

6,812.5 kilos of assorted donations were collected and distributed to different parts of the country through the assistance of Philippine Council of Evangelical Churches (PCEC) and Philippine Relief and Development Services (PHILRADS).
