By: Veronica Chua, Lanz Ngo, and Phoebe Uy, JCA Alumni Batch 2021

Most of us spent our last six years in the four pillars of Jubilee Christian Academy (JCA), E. Rodriguez Campus. It has been our home away from home where we spend most of our time learning with our teachers in all possible ways, eat our meals at our canteen beside our parking lot, share sad and funny stories with our friends and classmates while sitting on the corridor floor, develop our new found skills and hobbies in the Science and HE Laboratories, and, of course, who would not miss attending co-curricular activities, and different celebrations in the Jubilee Evangelical Chapel and JCA Community Hall. Our sixth year may have been different, but still we felt the love, care, and support of everyone as if we were still in school, cradled by the strong pillars of JCA that molded us into who we are today. 

We may be happy and excited as we finished our last year of high school and enter a new chapter of our lives, but we can’t help thinking of the many things that we are thankful for Jubilee Christian Academy. So we gathered some responses from our fellow alumni highlighting how thankful we are for our Beloved Alma Mater.

From 12 Dwight Moody, Batch 2021

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Dwight Moody Students, Batch 2021, during their Virtual Christmas Celebration
Photo by Mrs. Marianne Segui

I am thankful for Jubilee Christian Academy because this school helped me discover myself. I learned new things everyday, made memories with my friends and grew a closer relationship with God. 

Aleeyah Francine Tan

I am thankful for Jubilee Christian Academy because the school taught me how to be a good person. 

-Diana Eunice Santos

I am thankful for Jubilee Christian Academy because they made me grow closer to God and taught me to appreciate and make memorable memories with friends and teachers.

-Rhuezette Angheline Chua

I am thankful for Jubilee Christian Academy because they allowed me to encounter various experiences and create wonderful memories that I would cherish in my entire life.

-Veronica Jane Chua

From 12 Hudson Taylor, Batch 2021

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From left to right: 1st Row- Rain Tan and Aaron Niu; 2nd Row- Lanz Ngo, Samantha De Lusong, and Adrian Lua

I am thankful for the classmates, teachers, and staff that made this journey into a fun and wonderful learning experience.

-Rain Tan

I am thankful for Jubilee Christian Academy because of the quality education, opportunities, and memories that it has given me. 

  -Lanz Vernon Tolentino Ngo

I am thankful to Jubilee Christian Academy for shaping me to be who I am today. All the memories, lessons, fun, and experiences that I’ve been through for the past 15 years of my life have truly impacted me in ways that words cannot even describe. Ultimately, all these memories wouldn’t have been complete without the friends that I’ve made throughout my entire life, and I am thankful that JCA was the reason why I’ve met all these wonderful people. 

-Adrian Lua

I am thankful for JCA because the school has pushed me to go over my own limits, learn a multitude of things, and shape to become a better person.

-Samantha De Lusong

I am thankful for Jubilee Christian Academy for providing me not only quality education but quality 

CHRISTIAN education as it led me to grow together with my peers and make memories together. 

-Aaron Niu

From 12 Martin Luther, Batch 2021

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From left to right: 1st Row- Joshua Adrian Bautista, Veronica Young, and Adriel Marion Go; 2nd Row- Timothy Duyonco; 3rd Row- Angel Lynne Yap and Kelcey Alyana Ching

I’m thankful for Jubilee Christian Academy because it taught me how to become a well-rounded person. 

-Joshua Adrian Bautista

I’m thankful for Jubilee Christian Academy because of its teachers. They showed me what it was like to live according to God’s purpose and did everything that they could to make me reach my full potential.

-Veronica Young

I am thankful for the classmates, teachers, and staff that made this journey into a fun and wonderful learning experience.

-Timothy Duyongco 

I’m thankful for Jubilee Christian Academy because it taught me how to become better and learn the school’s core values and apply it to my life.

-Adriel Marion Go

I’m thankful for Jubilee Christian Academy because it taught me to put my own personal core values to be centralized on Christlikeness while enabling me to understand humanity through the bonds between students and teachers alike.

-Angel Lynne Yap

I’m thankful for Jubilee Christian Academy because not only did I find myself a new home, I found myself a new family in my fellow students, teachers, and in the whole JCA community— a family that’s seen me grow to be the best version of myself today. 

-Kelcey Alyana Ching



